Hello World


Hello all, my name is Sofia Price, and above is a picture of my rabbit looking cute. This is something he manages without even trying. Welcome to my blog where I want to share some of my thoughts, and hopefully provide at least a few bites to ponder for any readers that happen to make their way here.

I’ve been working in engineering for many years now, and it’s given me a a lot to think about. Engineering is far too often a siloed discipline which people outside of it find a mysterious and obtuse. I myself fell foul of this believing that programming was a boring activities for nerds. Oh how wrong I was. But that discovery is a different and longer story for another time.

I have included initially a few blog posts I wrote a few years ago about subjects I was thinking about at the time. Please enjoy!

For the design of this website I have to credit two wonderful templates for providing me with so much valuable material to build this with. First the skeleton of the website came from here. The animations came from here